So, you wanted to know more about our top tips for 'activities apart' - some of these work for virtual meetings, some work socially distanced face to face, others can work in both types of meetings.
Just remember - it really doesn't matter if it doesn't 'work' like you expect it to. We're all learning and it's good for the girls to see that we don't always have the answers or get it right first time!
Virtual duck racing Get your ducks in a row here then set the timer using the number pad on the screen (about 15-20 seconds is long enough!)
Next, click on the names tab. Click 'edit list', then enter the names of your girls (each on a new line). Click 'done' when all the names are in, and it takes you back to the first screen.
Click 'Set' then share your screen to your zoom meeting.
It's important to remind the girls that the ducks are 'Quack-tivated' so the louder they quack, the faster their duck swims.
Ask the girls to unmute themselves and give them a countdown to you clicking 'Start' (beside the timer bar)...
...then sit back and laugh at their quacking!
The trophy icon in the bottom right of the screen gives you the finishing order if you want to see it.
Clicking 'Race Again' will reset with the same names.
Top tip - set the names as the girls arrive in the waiting room so you're ready!
Everyone sits in a circle with their legs out in front of them. Choose someone to start - she taps her heels on the ground one at a time, counting her legs "1...2...". The next person carries on "3...4..." and so on until you get to 7. The leg numbered 7 gets tucked up, and the next leg starts back as being number 1.
Keep going - last leg left in is the winner!
Knife, Fork, Spoon
This one came from Girlguiding's activity ideas fairly early on in the pandemic.
Everyone needs a knife, fork and spoon, held so that no-one else can see which one they've got in their hand.
One person is the caller, and counts down to reveal their choice of cutlery. Everyone else has to reveal their choice at the same time. If you match the caller, you get a point.
First person to get 3 points then takes over as caller.
Region's 50th anniversary challenge
This is a resource, with a very pretty badge, that Region have produced for their 50th anniversary.
There are loads of activities which can be done socially distanced, or during online meetings, and even by girls at home who aren't attending meetings at the moment.
You can get your challenge pack here.
Finished the South West Region one? Why not try one from a different Region?! They're all 50 this year so there are plenty to choose from!
Pinch with pride!
Don't feel like you have to do all the inventive thinking - everyone's doing it, so see what other ideas are out there! There are loads of facebook groups with great ideas, and Girlguiding has even produced a programme plan for units meeting online, face to face, and a mix of the two, as well as loads of suggestions about how to adapt UMAs and Skills Builder activities for Covid-safe guiding. All the Girlguiding resources are available here.