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Unite and rebuild!

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

This last term has been a little different, but it has gone so well and we are thankful that we were able to overcome so many obstacles and have a great outcome. Change can be daunting, but change can be so rewarding.

Due to Covid we have all had to look at the way that we are guiding and try to overcome the different challenges that we have had to face. As a unit, one of the problems we had to face was the news that our meeting place was going to be sold. We managed to secure a new meeting venue and started meeting there in September. It has outside space for games and even has parking so the parents and leaders are very happy as this is something we did not have before! We were then approached by 11th Falmouth Guides, who had reopened in September to only 2 girls. They approached us initially to ask if we could take on their girls, but as that would leave a 100-year-old unit with no members, we put our heads together to find a different solution.

We settled on running the units together for a term, while trying some recruitment ideas, and we knew there were Brownies due to move up before Christmas. So since September we have been able to meet together, and share ideas and leadership skills.

We have had a great time, with a fun packed autumn term, where we completed a skills builder, started some interest some badges and enjoyed Christmas crafts! At half term we had 5 new brownies join who became the group to relaunch 11th Falmouth Guides.

With the improved links between Guide groups we have also managed to grow our Ranger unit from 2 members to 6, which has been amazing and even welcoming a new young woman who has never been a member of Girlguiding before!

To celebrate our time together we enjoyed a New Years Awards Ceremony in January to present all the badges we had earned and send 11th Falmouth on their way. We have really enjoyed having them with us and sharing ideas for a term and it's great that we've been able to work together to save the unit from closing.

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