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Unite for YOUnite!

Girlguiding members aged 13 years+ enjoyed 12 hours of pure fun in Penryn this weekend!

Rangers and older Guides from across Cornwall took part in an array of activities for their long overdue County Rangers Day, which began at 9:30am, and didn’t finish until 9:30pm. BF Adventure, a charity and outdoor activity centre near Penryn, Cornwall was the host in 2022. The focus was on mental wellbeing, which was approached through both outdoor activities, and indoor workshops.

The day began with Wake ‘n’ Shake, led by Sarah Cotton (Inspire Adviser) designed to get everyone up and moving, despite the early start. To officially begin the day Sue Harris, the County Commissioner, read a poem by Hollie Dee on the topic of mental wellbeing. To follow was a round-robin of different outdoor activities; from canoeing to building life-size catapults, to team-building activities, to zip-lining.

For many of the participants, it was their first time using the zip-line, but they all did brilliantly!

On zip-lining: “I was really excited to try something new, and the zip-lining turned out to be really fun!” Dakota, 2nd Roche Guides

It was brilliant to see so many of the participants making new friends, and trying something new.

“With challenges often come great rewards – a lot of the girls faced their fears today!” T, Leader with 1st St Columb Major Guides

The participants had a lot of great feedback about the activities they experienced.

On canoeing: “I got to be Captain of the boat, and I didn’t fall in!” Tiana, 1st Constantine Rangers

On the catapults: “It was a good team-building exercise, and I loved socialising with new people.” Zoe, Falmouth Rangers

While the Rangers enjoyed the exciting activities that BF Adventure had to offer outside, the Leaders participated in a session working on the inside. Melissa Dale and Heather Walker, from the County Training team, led two sessions on mental wellbeing; something which has received much more attention during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

“There were some really open and honest conversations; sharing strategies… and solutions!” Melissa, Adult County Trainer

After lunch, the Rangers also received their own session on mental wellbeing and peer education, led by Peer Educator trainers, Emily and Claire. Throughout the day, there were also informal drop-in sessions on writing stories and poetry for your mental health, run by Laura Miucci, Ranger Adviser. “The Rangers that took part engaged fully with the activities, and seemed to get a lot out of it”.

Afterwards, an evening meal was provided by The Cornish Barista, which was followed by campfire songs, led by Jess of Inspire; everyone sang their lungs out, as the sun set. A silent disco concluded the action-packed day. With three different playlists available, there was something for everyone, and all the Rangers had a boogie, even the County Commissioner joined in! It was a wonderful day, enjoyed by all.

But don’t just take our word for it; see what some of the Leaders had to say about YOUnite!

“The activities have been great, but it’s been wonderful to socialise with other Units too!” Nikki & Charlotte, Leaders with 1st Redruth Guides and Rangers
“The girls have really enjoyed it – even those who are shy have really come out of their shell!” Bethan, Leader with 1st Newquay Rangers
“It’s amazing how everyone worked together and supported each other, especially Young Leaders who came alone – a great mix of friends, both old and new”. Jean, First Aider
“Finally, after COVID, we’ve got a Rangers day, and it’s been brilliant!” Sarah, Leader with 1st St Columb Major Rangers

For County Days such as these, and adventures beyond the classroom, GirlGuiding UK gives equal opportunities to all of its members, with regular activities, days, camps and ADVENTURE!

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